Creepiest spiderman cartoon

Four years ago in an evening when I was returning home I came across a dvd near the dumpster of our locality the video cover was terribly drawing of spiderman cartoon by a kid "A lost spiderman cartoon from an alternative world " the video title was written in black
letter .I was puzzled and went to the living room with that DVD.I put the DVD on the video player and the opening song began the opening song was a distorted 1960s spiderman song.The video quality was also poor like it is made in 50-60 years ago.Now the video begins.
The opening scene was normal spiderman was swinging then suddenly he felt his spider sense was tingling he saw green goblin was trying to attack him from the back then a heavy fight started between them.
."I will kill you goblin ".Spiderman screams throws web towards him. "Hahaha in your dream ".He catches the webs and then punches spiderman he falls to the ground and starts to cry."Poor spidey crying like a baby "Green goblin laughs and then spiderman runs so fast and he escaped.Then the screen turned into the black for some second I saw a glimpse of a terrible thing it was a creepy looking superman staring at me with pointing the middle finger.I was going to scream until the next scene came again in the scene j jonah Jameson choked peter neck his eyes were like laser beams.Peter bites Jameson's hand and runs  Jameson screams like gorilla and chases peter up until Peter punches and Jameson turns into clay.In the next scene again spiderman was seeing fights with green goblin and electro.They both defeated spiderman badly and spiderman mask and suit was told he was hiding his face in his hands . Avengers xmen etc every heroes and villain of marvel universe started to boo him.Gwen MJ and black cat they all kicked him and said how pathetic coward stupid boyfriend he is.Peter suddenly wakes up from the ground and pulls out a chemical bottle from his back and drinks it he changed into joker after some second. "Let me introduce myself I am spiderjoker ".He said in a whispering voice and started to shoot everyone and began to laugh madly . After killing everyone he looked at the screen "It is now your turn boy to join in this killing madness ".
"Are you talking to me? " I said puzzling. "Yes, my boy come to papa's arm ".He laughed. "Noo".I screamed and went to the switch to turn off tv but it failed the tv screen was not turning off. "Come to papa's arm you little boy ".He laughed hysterically and jumped from the tv .As soon he jumped I punched and kicked him till he gives up his face was covered with blood nearly until he kicked me and I quickly hide behind the sofa. "I am gonna hurt, you very bad boy ".He says in the creepy voice and starts to shoot in every part of the house to kill me.I then quickly threw a cushion at him and ran to my room and locked the door .I heard his footstep suddenly I got an idea.I had a batman mask so I wore it and took some of mine handmade batarangs.I opened the door and said in batmanish voice. "Come joker let see your guts ". "Oh my dear bat what are you doing here, "He said in a sweet voice suddenly ."Stop disturbing this kid otherwise,  am gonna threw some batarangs into you ".I said and showed my batarangs. "Don't do this, my sweetheart, I will not disturb him again ".He said and drops the gun. "One more thing joker kills yourself or I will not gonna come again near you ".I said. "Don't do this my sweety I am ready for what you want ".He said and pulls a knife from his back and stabs himself brutally for 10 times and then a large explosion voice .My eyes went into black when I opened my eyes I saw the spider suit laying on the ground I went into the living room to throw that DVD but when I opened the player the DVD has vanished like it was never there. 
I finally threw that creepy spider suit into far away from my locality .